
Saturday, December 09, 2017

Snow 2017...picture heavy

The above pic is of the snow coming out of the tire treads of Bliss's suv when we went to my moms to check on her today during all the snow. I like the pattern it made.
Looking down the right side of my drive from the front porch
part of the front yard with one of the plum trees
Looking up at the house from the lower driveway to the house
Snug as a bug
A lovely concrete bench my sweet husband made for me a few years ago. This was so hard to move here when we moved last year. I was determined to bring it with me. :) I love to sit here in the spring and summer months with a cuppa.
wind blown snow
a winter wonderland
There were some rabbit tracks in the snow early in the morning
One of the bigger plum trees. This one has those big green ones that turn a dark purple.
Looking down the lower side driveway
Lower section of the property
The rose beds fully covered
Looking up at the house from the lower driveway
Way in the back you can see the massive gardenia bush loaded down with snow
lovely view 

Looking down towards the road on the lower driveway, it also makes a circle through that large section you can see in the pic right after the rose bushes on the right here, which have roses on them!
All those azaleas have blooms all over them and are now frozen in time.
Looking at the side yard which goes deep into the wooded area
Plum, crabapple, pear and crepe myrtle tree in the forefront of this pic towards the side yard
Looking across my side drive to the lower part of our property. This was filled with rabbit tracks this morning. They live in that clump beside the tree as I did not have the heart to run them out and burn the brush pile we had made over the summer months while under a no burn ban.
This tree is about 80ft high and was so pretty today
more of the front from the porch perspective

looking out at the birdbath which will need to be cleared and filled with water for the birds that are hovering in all the bird houses that we put out.
An early pic of the snow starting on yesterday morning
I love the snow
One of my big holly bushes. I need to get some trimmings for my fireplace mantle for the holidays
view of my driveway coming up directly to the house
One of my camilla bushes and a flowering tree that I have no idea what the name of it is
one of the crabapple trees

Those little spiky bushes are actually sprouts from the big crepe myrtle tree and will be transplanted come early spring

I hope you enjoyed all of my winter wonderland pics on today. I know there were a whole lot of them, but we hardly ever get snow like this in the deep south. I love it when it does happen and make as many pics of it as I can. We ended up getting eight inches in my area and it will take a few days of temps above the 30's to see it all melt, but for right now it is so beautiful and I love it! Hope you have some unexpected beauty in your life on today.

1 comment:

Chookyblue...... said...

It looks great pretty.......


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